Paperback books
Paperback books are a popular format in the publishing industry due to their affordability, portability, and convenience. Unlike hardcover books, which have rigid covers and are often more expensive, paperbacks feature flexible, lightweight covers, making them easier to carry and store. They are widely used for fiction, non-fiction, academic materials, and self-published works, providing an economical option for both publishers and readers. Many bestselling books are first released in hardcover and later reprinted in paperback to reach a broader audience.
The rise of print-on-demand technology has made paperback publishing more accessible, allowing authors and publishers to print books as needed rather than in large batches. This reduces production costs and minimizes waste. Paperback books also dominate certain markets, such as mass-market paperbacks, which are smaller and often sold in airports, supermarkets, and bookstores. Despite the increasing popularity of e-books and audiobooks, paperbacks continue to thrive because they offer a tangible reading experience without the higher cost of hardcovers.